
Portfolio Company Spotlight: Isharya & 3D Printing

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Portfolio Company Spotlight: Isharya & 3D Printing

  January 1, 2019

Many people argue that the most beautiful artwork in the world comes out of India. Indian art can trace its origins back over six thousand years and it’s impacted almost every major Eastern religion including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Indian artwork is universal because it addresses many different themes of human life. Energy, mindfulness and our place in the universe are all central themes in Indian artwork.

Indian art has been so enduring because it transcends beyond just visuals. It influences other areas of life including entertainment, spirituality, health, fashion, relationships, marriage, school, work, and even jewelry. In fact, “the Indian subcontinent has the longest continuous legacy of jewelry-making in the world, with a history of over 5,000 years.”  Such a long history must mean that humans all over the globe relate to the symbolism conveyed in Indian jewelry. [1]

Reimagining How Indian Jewelry is Made

Isharya, a company Tandon Group invested in, has become a leader in the high-end Indian fashion jewelry market. While Isharya has operated since 2004 and has achieved success, we believe it is poised to make even greater progress with the ongoing development of its 3D printed jewelry collection.

You can see actual 3D printing in action in Isharya’s short demo video here. It’s showcases lasers, gold, artwork, and amazing jewelry. (If you haven’t watched it yet, watch it now! Really, it’s worth it.)

Jewelry is a great candidate for 3D printing because it can lower the cost of production and get popular pieces into the hands of everyday people. In the near future, people will be able to replicate designs they love with cheaper material constituents and, therefore, be able to afford them.

Answering the Critics

While some people worry that the overall quality of jewelry might decline, there’s no need to worry. 3D printing has come a long way in the last 10 years. It’s now finally possible to create intricate, precise and beautiful pieces of jewelry from a wide variety of materials.

Indian traditionalists may argue that handcrafting jewelry is the right way to go but there are many limitations to what is physically possible. For one, the amount of time it takes to handmake jewelry means that prices must be inherently higher. Secondly, the complex job of soldering and joining pieces is no longer an issue with 3D printing.

Isharya’s founders Radhika and Gauri Tandon say that, after learning how the printing process works and comparing handmade to 3D printed jewelry, most people are amazed and appreciate it.  The artwork is no less beautiful and, in many cases, it’s greatly enhanced by the new capabilities.

A New Market for 3D Printing

While 3D printing is widely accepted in the western world, consumers in India are still becoming accustomed to it. Right now there’s a golden opportunity to expand Indian production by adopting 3D printing methods and using them to share Indian artwork and culture with the rest of the world. Isharya is doing exactly that and we are fully convinced that they will be even more successful in the future.

If you’d like to explore the different pieces Isharya has to offer then you can check out their website here.

If you’d like to become one of Tandon Group’s spotlight companies in the future, contact us.  We are always interested in finding and meeting innovative startup founders. Reach out and let’s see if we can build something amazing together!

Tandon GroupPortfolio Company Spotlight: Isharya & 3D Printing